ГастроПортал Гастроэнтерологический портал России


[Infections with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)--results of an epidemiologic survey in Bavaria for the April 1996 to May 1997 time frame]

Year 1998
Huber HC. Kugler R. Liebl B.
Landesuntersuchungsamt fur das Gesundheitswesen Sudbayern, Oberschleissheim.
Using a report system of the Bavarian Public Health services 300 EHEC infections were registered within one year (Apr 1, 1996, to Mar 31, 1997) in Bavaria. These consisted of 22 cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) (mean age, 2.8 yr), 6 cases of incomplete HUS (1.3 yr), 188 cases of enteritis (3.3 yr) and 84 asymptomatic infections (12.9 yr), respectively. From this follows an incidence rate for all infections of approximately 2.5 per 100,000 inhabitants and for HUS in the age group of children and juveniles up to 18 years of approximately 0.8, respectively. Possible sources (paths) of infection registered in relevant frequencies were: raw milk consumption (18% of the infected), farm-animal associated contact (43%), and contact with patients suffering from diarrhoea (36%).

[Development of public health regulations for tattooing and piercing and their realization]

Year 1998
Zolondek U. Stelling R. Hohmann H.
Gesundheitsamt Bremen.
In the course of prevention of infectious diseases the Public Health office of the city of Bremen has made increase efforts to improve hygienic conditions in tattoo and piercing studios. Defined and practicable hygienic standards have been developed and formulated for and in cooperation with the studios. Supported by intense personal counselling of the studios the hygienic standards are now--after 6-9 months--widely accepted and increasingly observed in practice. This programme has been--as a crucial point--supplemented by intense information for the general public and the customers of the studios in order to support (and control) the practice of hygienic standards in tattooing and piercing also from this point of view.

Источник: https://gastroportal.ru/science-articles-of-world-periodical-eng/gesundheitswesen.html
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