ГастроПортал Гастроэнтерологический портал России

Clin Anat

Problem in diagnostic imaging: pancreaticoduodenal arcade in splanchnic arterial stenosis.

Year 1998
Koshi T. Govil S. Koshi R.
Department of Radiology, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, India.
This paper features a problem in diagnostic imaging in which a pre-transplant abdominal angiogram of a potential liver recipient shows filling of the hepatic artery via the superior mesenteric artery and the pancreaticoduodenal arcade. The routing of this unusual supply to the liver is explained by careful study of abdominal aortic angiograms and a sagittal MRI made through the aorta.

Источник: https://gastroportal.ru/science-articles-of-world-periodical-eng/clin-anat.html
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