ГастроПортал Гастроэнтерологический портал России

Anesteziol Reanimatol

[The carbohydrate-energy metabolic and hemodynamic status of children with diffuse suppurative peritonitis in the early postoperative period]

Year 1998
Kurek VV.
No information.
Thirty-three children with grave peritonitis were examined 16-24 h after operation. The groups were matched for the hemodynamic status. Group 1 were patients with moderate hyperdynamic status, group 2 those with the extreme hyperdynamic status, and group 3--patients with hypodynamic status. The control group consisted of 36 healthy children subjected to herniotomy. Moderate hyperdynamic status was associated with balanced carbohydrate-energy metabolism. In the second group high levels of ATP+ADP+AMP and G6-PDH+6-PGDH activities and a decrease of ATP/ADP ratio and hypophosphatemia were observed. In the third group, low activity of the direct oxidative pathway and high activity of plasma LDH and hypophosphatemia were observed.

[Antihypoxants in emergency medicine]

Year 1998
Smirnov AV. Krivoruchko BI.
No information.
Presents the results of many-year experimental studies, clinical trials, and medical use of drugs of a new pharmacological class: antihypoxants. Antihypoxants are perspective drugs of urgent medicine, which was demonstrated on various models (all types of hypoxia, myocardial, brain, renal, and liver ischemia, grave mechanical and thermal injuries, blood loss, etc.) and in patients with these states.

Источник: https://gastroportal.ru/science-articles-of-world-periodical-eng/anesteziol-reanimatol.html
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