ГастроПортал Гастроэнтерологический портал России

Anaesthesiol Reanim

[Hepatotoxic encephalopathy versus Leigh syndrome--a case report]

Year 1998
Dressler C. Kirowa-Sunkel R. Grundler M.
Krankenhausbetrieb von Berlin Friedrichshain, Abteilung fur Anasthesie und Intensivtherapie.
Low perfusion of the liver due to hypovolaemia and sepsis-induced pathological distribution of blood volume can lead to severe liver disturbances. Damage to the liver as shock organ is manifold and affects other functions. Increased serum levels of ammonia and zerebral symptoms with disturbances of neurotransmission are responsible for the development of encephalopathia. Based on a case report, the differential diagnosis of Leigh-Syndrome as a mitochondric encephalopathy with uniform morphologic form is discussed. Long lasting parenteral nutrition, sepsis, metabolic imbalance and disturbance of the electrolyte balance can influence the extent of the mitochondric encephalopathy.

Источник: https://gastroportal.ru/science-articles-of-world-periodical-eng/anaesthesiol-reanim.html
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